CBS's Dark History Thats Hidden

You won’t believe what we found about CBS’s dark history

CBS’s Dark History Thats Hidden and shocking. The Columbia Broadcasting System has had its fair share of shocking and disturbing revelations over the years. Stay till the end to see why.

Originally starting as the United Independent Broadcasters inc, the company was bought in 1927 by Columbia Phonograph Company, only to be sold again in 1928 which gave it the name  CBS

It stayed as a radio broadcasting network and later expanded into TV sometime in the 1940s

CBS being part of the big 3 largest broadcasting networks in America, they’ve had its fair share of scandals over the course of nearly 100 years since its founding 

The $64,000 Question

CBS's Dark History Thats Hidden

Back in 1955 the show “The $64,000 Question” was a viral hit amongst viewers as contestants answered numerous questions over random topics. 

They would gain money that can be doubled every time they answered a more difficult question. 

This show, however, was rigged from the start.

The show was canceled by 1959 as cheating occurred when some contestants were briefed beforehand and were given essentially a free ride. 

Since then, laws have been put into place that would make suck cheating illegal. 

The $64,000 Question

Charlie Rose and the #metoo movement 

In 1984, the man we know as Charlie Rose began his career as a news anchor for CBS’s Nightwatch. 

Charlie had reportedly walked naked into the office, grab female staff workers, and make sexual comments to his coworkers. 

For 30 years no punishment or acknowledgment was made of Charlie’s actions until 2018 when such accusations were made public under the #metoo movement. 

He has been fired since. This means Either no one mentioned his inappropriate behavior for 30 years or CBS knew what was happening and refused to let their cash cow go. 

CBS reported on George W. Bush’s back by forged documents

The $64,000 Question

In 2004, CBS’s Evening News anchor Dan Rather hosted a story on 60 Minutes stating that George W. Bush had received privileged treatment during his time serving in the Texas Army National Guard. 

This statement was backed up by false and forged documents. 

The documents were written in a font that didn’t exist in 1973 when the document claimed they were made. 

Put simply they were fake documents used to make look old and authentic. 

Conveniently this report was announced during Bush’s campaign for reelection as President of the United States.

While this is certainly not the end of the list of the dark history we have uncovered today, make no mistake that what we see in the news may just be the wool kept over our eyes from a darker truth. 

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Copywriter Salary and Greensboro Triad Access

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