Dudley High school teacher locked up phones to remove distractions

GREENSBORO,N.C.( WGHP)- A teacher at Dudley High School in Greensboro, North Carolina, has implemented a policy to lock up students’ phones during class to minimize distractions. The teacher asked them, when they don’t have the phone, how do they feel? One of the student replied, I don’t like it. I feel like my phone is part of my life, I feel different when I don’t have it, always feel like something is missing. Another student said, ” I need my phone to stay tuned on TikTok and Instagram.

Dudley High school teacher had locked up student’s phones due to poor response in learning

Meanwhile,the brand director of Dudley High school, Dr Roger Jackson is tired of the sort, he sees phones as a huge issues. When he was asked by FOX8, if truly students are addicted to phones, he replied and said, student’s retentions are so much low, he mentioned that, what he taught on Monday he’s still teaching on Friday, which means student’s response are very low.

This initiative aims to enhance focus and engagement in the classroom environment, addressing concerns about the impact of mobile devices on learning. The teacher believes that reducing phone access can significantly improve student participation and academic performance. Some anonymous donors helped support him in the cases, hopefully Guilford county and other school district would consider supporting this , so as to step towards a healthier classroom environment.

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