Mother demands Justice for son’s death.

A mother in high point, North Carolina, is seeking public assistance a year after her son, Isaiah Keel, was killed in a quadruple shooting. The bereaved mother, whose name was Sabrina Keel explained how petrified she was with the whole situation. Stating that her son, who was 25 years of aged just recently become a father and he’s the backbone of their family. She narrates how precious her son is and how benevolently he is to people. Isaiah is a person of faith a believer to be precise.

How the incident happened.

This incident happened on September 3, 2023 when one of his friends asked him to help fix a car battery. Out of Isaiah’s generosity, he agreed to help the fellow and they drove to a high point close to Greensboro. Not quite an hour,he was shot and so were others that were there.

Following the high point report, the incident happened around 8:30pm on Sunday at the 2900 block of creek veiw court. In which Isaiah died at the spot and the other three victims were taken to the hospital.

sabrina the mother of the deceased urge anyone with information about the shooting to come forward to help bring closure to the case and ensure justice for her son and other victims involved.on the other hand , the high point police are trying their possible best in getting proper information about this case and request anyone who has information about this incident to provide tips Pseudonymously.